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ICORN is hiring

June 2, 2023
Stavanger. Credits: Stavanger Municipality.

Two new full-time positions at the ICORN Secretariat in Stavanger, Norway are now open for applications.

With growing pressure on freedom of expression globally, increasing numbers of writers, artists, and journalists need and seek protection to be able to continue their work in safety. Simultaneously, the ICORN network is growing, with 83 Cities of Refuge around the world stepping up their work for human rights and free expression.

Migration Advisor

The Migration Advisor will work to facilitate safe and efficient migration processes for writers, artists, and journalists invited to an ICORN residency in a City of Refuge.

The Advisor, closely working with ICORN’s Programme Director, will also work on developing and strengthening ICORN’s partnerships with relevant regional, national, and international migration authorities. They will also work with refugee organisations to expand opportunities for safe and level migration channels into the ICORN Cities of Refuge.

Protection Coordinator

The Protection Coordinator will work directly with applicants to the ICORN residency programme.

The Coordinator will handle the requests and applications to ICORN, maintaining contact with applicants throughout the stages of the ICORN application procedures. They will work closely with other ICORN staff to review and assess cases at each stage, as well as offer the applicants help and support when needed and possible.

To view the full job descriptions and apply:

ICORN Migration Advisor

ICORN Protection Coordinator

The application deadline for both positions is 19.06.2023.